Certification Purpose
In respond to changing living environment, using water purification equipment in our daily life has become a global trend. In the past, Taiwan did not have a certification mechanism recognized by the consumers to determine the water quality of water purification equipment. We relied on overseas bodies for all certifications, and made reference overseas standards.
Since the establishment of the Functional Water Association of Taiwan in 2011, it has been actively promoting water quality-related WT (Water Taiwan) certification regulations. Through certificates from a third-party authentication unit, consumers can scan the QR Code label to determine the water quality, and have better peace of mind.
Total bacterial count, coliform group, free residual nitrogen, turbidity, nitrate-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, arsenic, lead, zinc, copper, iron, total trihalomethanes, silver, molybdenum, manganese, sulfate, selenium, chromium, cadmium, nickel, mercury, trichloroethene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloro-ethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethene, electrical fast transient/burst, lightning surge